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Community Involvement

Shannon reads to a group of Pre-K children with First Books


As members of the community, we believe that participating in community affairs builds the kind of relationships that we are seeking for business partnerships. Our primary focus in community service is education.  Members of our firm are active participants in the First Books program, Whiz Kids, and our local school foundations.   Since many students will enter the accounting and financial fields which are demanding professions that require a solid educational foundation, we have concentrated our efforts in this area.  We encourage you to actively participate in the education of Oklahoma students and to contribute resources on behalf of them.  The links below will assist you in selecting a project to help our community’s youngest members.

-H. G. Martin, Jr.




First Books                                                                                  


First Book provides access to new books for children in need.  A volunteer goes to the school and reads a book to a pre-kindergarten class.  Each student in the class receives a copy of the selected book to take home with them.


RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program) of Central Oklahoma


Through their Volunteer Recruitment and Placement Program, they match the skills, talent and experience of older adults with volunteer opportunities at area nonprofit agencies throughout central Oklahoma. Their volunteers make our community a better place by delivering meals, tutoring children, mentoring adults, participating in community gardening, sorting donated goods at food pantries, and so much more!


Mid-Del Public School Foundation


A non-profit community organization whose purpose is to secure and distribute contributions from individuals, families, corporations and foundations for the benefit of the students in Mid-Del Schools.


Mid-Del Food Pantry                                            


Mid-Del Food Pantry is an emergency food pantry created and supported by churches in eastern Oklahoma County over 30 years ago. It continues to meet emergency food needs throughout the area.

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